Student Leader Main Application - Step 1 Header Image

1) Fill out this application form.
2) Remember to include the email addresses for your pastor, RA, and Work Study supervisor (if applicable) references. Emails will be sent automatically requesting them to fill out their respective forms.
3) Student Finances and the Registrar's office will automatically receive emails requesting them to approve your qualification for service.
5) If you are applying for RA, GO Leader, International Student Liaison, Multicultural Student Liaison, Military Student Liaison, or Commuter Assistant you will need to sign up for an interview time in King Hall.

Please check the positions you are interested in*


You must enter the email addresses for your Pastor/Shepherd, RD, and work-study supervisor (if applicable). They will be sent an email automatically with a link to complete their reference online. The Registrar and Student Finance will also be notified, and must sign off on your eligibility.